Monday, November 24, 2014

Music Appreciation!

On Monday November 3rd I posted "Music and the Minds Eye" which sought to explain that music today is visual and has no resemblance to music. Yesterday, while perusing the news on the web I noticed the reportage of the American Music Awards from the previous day which included many photos. I post two here as evidence of my argument. One "lady" is a music award candidate on the red carpet and the other "lady" is actually performing a "song". I'm sure if you go to You Tube you can hear many examples of the "music" too. If you'd like to see all the photos go to yesterdays Daily Mail online.

Remember that this is the norm for the youth of today. Many parents probably don't know what their kids are watching, and with those ear buds in place 24/7 they haven't a clue what it sounds like either.

I rest my case!

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