Sunday, October 26, 2014

Do Your Duty

Have you looked at the news today? No, I don't mean did you look at the networks or newspapers. Do you actually find out what is happening in America every day? Shootings, muggings, home invasions, rapes, abductions, hidden bodies, ethnic warfare, domestic violence, and the list goes on.

What about educational cheating, inappropriate sexual conduct, political corruption, lying, false advertising, usurpation of the airwaves, highways and roads in disrepair, exorbitant and falsely structured costs for just about everything, unremitting pleas for donations for just about every need that can be devised by mans ingenuity. Overpaid sports figures, overpaid government and their cronies and collaborators, industry who would rather give our technology and our production to foreign countries in the name of extra dollars on the bottom line, excessive payment to our enemies to buy oil which we are quite capable of producing ourselves with the excuse that we must save endangered species ( by the way I'm so glad we didn't preserve the dinosaurs), but we don't mind aborting innocent children. As I mentioned earlier...the list goes on, and it's endless.

Why is practically every building and airport in America named after a politician? Name one whom you can honestly revere. Where are the names of our heroes, our brave people who sacrificed their lives for our country and world freedom? Why are all of our sports stadiums named after a commercial product or a company logo? Remember when sports tournaments had a famous name reflecting years of tradition and which are now named after an insurance or car company? What next...the Viagra Open?

Remember when "honest politician" wasn't an oxymoron? Why can a politician get unrestricted, immediate medical care and a veteran have to wait in line? Why can a judge be politically appointed and receive as much as $277,000 annually in a lifetime sinecure?

These questions are only the tip of a very deep iceberg which will eventually pull us under, never to resurface. Our values, our traditions, our loyalties, and most of all our laws are being destroyed. If you want America to regain its morality and its productivity, the first step is to vote on November 4th, 2014. While we know that the Republican Party no longer stands for conservatism, and its representation of its constituents is almost non-existent, we must prevent any Democratic candidate from being elected, and remove every  socialist, globalist, progressive and liberal incumbent from their seat of power after which we will tackle the RINO's. We need the time to remedy the evil that is spreading like molten lava across this land; to form a constitutional commission to disband the political system and restructure it in accordance with the precepts of our founding fathers. Government must be controlled with an iron fist by law-abiding citizens.



Complacency is not an option

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