Thursday, May 7, 2015


Sorry for the hiatus. Lost my son-in-law to cancer. Sadness in the family and a need to rally the troops so to speak. Adjustments take time, but the worst is over and a positive outlook is essential to moving forward. I will be posting again somewhat regularly and I have some fictional ideas stirring for the future. I have some serious concerns about our societal problems and will be commenting on them more than I would like to...but the topic is vital for all of us. I want to allocate a substantial portion of this blog to good thoughts, good taste, and humor. We need to be entertained to some extent or life would quickly become grimmer than it need be. As individuals we are sometimes careless about our life management actions - and with the rapid international, domestic, and local changes we are being forced to face, it is imperative that we exert a higher degree of discipline and thought to how we can be better persons in our relationships with others.
I am genuinely interested in your thoughts and comments.

Warmest regards,


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