Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What Is True Love?

The Seven Wonders of the World are rightfully revised on occasion to reflect our ever changing civilization, but some standards are timeless and cannot be modified or improved.

My Number 1 Wonder of the World is a no contest category. There is nothing more wonderful to behold than a beautiful woman. An incomparable work of art...a nonpareil!

We often hear the compliment when describing young boys at any age that "he'll break some hearts" and we understand that physicality is the preliminary magnetism that attracts us to the opposite sex, but once that mission has been accomplished, what then? Here's where it can, and does, get complicated. Why? What changes?

My instinctive reasoning is that when couples decide to proceed with a life together they don't really think too much about it. They just keep putting one foot in front of the other on a daily basis. In my day "he" went to work and "she" was a housewife...a homemaker. It was the most natural thing in the world to have children, and there were the celebratory occasions for gifts and holidays. Responsibilities and obligations soon intrude on the romantic side of the relationship and, in many cases, each day becomes a routine of duties  which can become an irritant and can change attitudes between the loving couple.

It seems that a woman's feelings toward her mate sometimes changes after the introduction of children into the equation. Often the husband becomes relegated to a less important role in her life and may even be criticized if issues arise when priorities or differences of opinion involve the children. Bickering and nit-picking become a normal occurrence. Itches have to be scratched. Often financial circumstances play a major role in behavior. Men are capable of deep devotion and romantic tendencies just as women are capable of tenderness and nurturing. When spouses change their premarital relationship with each other due to marital conditions is it any wonder that love flies out the window?

True love is incurable. True love is everlasting. No matter what happens in your life, the  result of your bonding will be to share the joys and the hardships together and to support each other through hell and high water - always with tenderness and respect. There will never be a wavering of purpose or attitude. Enjoy and embrace the outside world and the company of others, but nothing can, or will, come between you. If it does you were never really in love. Attraction and love are not the same thing! 

This is one man's opinion. I'm very receptive to yours.

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