Monday, September 7, 2015



 This was a day to commemorate better working conditions for American citizens.

This was a day for many years when there was abundant work for American citizens.

There's not a lot to be happy about today for American citizens. 

For all those who wanted hope and change...they certainly got change and zero hope.

The American workforce is idle while non-Americans have what jobs there still are.

Arbitrary minimum wages enacted by legislators that have never owned or run a business will never create an incentive for the "workers" to gain skills to improve their position in life or to improve an industry's ability to compete. It does create more unemployment and less businesses. But people who rely on handouts will always vote for more - even of sub-standard quality. They don't know any better...and never will!

Most of our consumer products are manufactured in other countries while Americans sling fast-food  for a living.

Very soon most all jobs will be done by robots and low skilled workers.

Conglomerate unions are complicit in the high cost of American goods and services. They are nothing but gangster organizations using threats and intimidation to control their members and the employer. They are certainly not friends of the citizenry.

If you are among the increasing number of dissatisfied Americans, I would urge you to get involved with the process and do your part in correcting the corruption and treasonous activity which is rapidly destroying the American way of life.

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