About life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Family, love, romance. Parental responsibility and how we can keep "America The Beautiful." Contact me at for any reason, or post a comment here. All original material copyrighted.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Plain Speaking. Frank and Fair!
Is Megyn Kelly dumb or intellectually dishonest?
Posted on | August 26, 2015 |
Is Megyn Kelly dumb or intellectually dishonest?
By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
Yesterday on her show Megyn Kelly made several points, which made me wonder: is she dumb or intellectually dishonest.
Fist, she criticized Trump for kicking belligerent Jorge Ramos from his press conference and excluding foul Des Moines Register from his press conferences. Kelly compared Trump’s actions to Obama’s actions in attempting to exclude FOX from his presidential press conferences.
Really? Is she that stupid and does not know the difference? Obama acted as a sitting US president, government official
paid by us, the tax payers, and attempted to exclude a major network.
The public and the citizens were correct in standing up for FOX.
Trump is not a president yet, he is not a public official. He is conducting a private event, paid by his campaign, and he does a press conference
before the event. He has a full right to exclude anyone from his
private event, particularly a belligerent reporter who speaks without
being called upon and refuses to sit down when told not to speak out of
Further, Ramos is not even a legitimate reporter. He is acting as a
biased advocate for open borders. His daughter works for Clinton
campaign. A bona fide reporter asks questions, Ramos on the other hand,
makes defamatory and malicious statements and stages attacks on Trump
by calling Trump “the face of evil in America,”
he states that there is no such thing as illegal alien, that every
person is legal. Ramos’s statements are so idiotic that even Chris
Cuomo from CNN took Ramos to task. Today, on his show, Cuomo stated
to Ramos: “Jorge, how can you state that there is no such thing as
illegal? When people cross the border illegally, they are illegal here.”
Even a liberal like Cuomo cannot take Ramos’s idiocy any further.
However, going back to Kelly, after making this bizarre comparison to
Obama, she continued making flagrantly fraudulent and misleading
statements. She went on interviewing Chris Christy and stated that the
14th amendment states that if a person is born in the US, he is a US
citizen. Kelly is a lawyer, she
know that this is not what it says. It says: “being born and subject to
the US jurisdiction”. Senators Lyman Trumbell and Jacob Howard, who
wrote the 14th amendment, stated that this does not include foreign nationals and aliens. Leading constitutional scholar, former dean of Chapman university
law school, John Eastman stated that children of illegal aliens inherit
the citizenship of their parents and are not subject to the US
jurisdiction. So, Kelly intentionally misstated the language of the 14th
amendment in order to mislead the public. She can be sanctioned by the
NY bar for this. This is clearly an unethical conduct.
So, my question is: is Megyn Kelly dumb or is she intellectually dishonest? What do you think?
Further, I would like to weigh in on the question O’Reilly and Kelly
asked both Trump and Cruz: will you deport US born children when you
deport their illegal alien parents?
Here is my answer.
First of all, children of illegal alien parents inherit the citizenship of their parents.
Second of all, I would not forcefully deport children of illegals, who
already obtained the US citizenship under the current interpretation of
the 14th amendment, however I would give their parents two choices:
First choice: We are not deporting your children, however you need to
decide whether you want to abandon your children in the US, while you
are being deported to your country of origin. If you abandon them here,
we will find an American family to adopt them, however that will take
away your right to apply for a relative visa and green card when your
children turn 21.
Second choice: you can take your children to your country of origin,
raise them there, pay for all of their needs and when they reach 21,
they can come here, work, pay taxes, support themselves and apply for
relative visas and green card for you, as parents.
I assure you that majority of illegal aliens will choose option B.
This policy will save us, law abiding, hard working US citizens,
billions of dollars. Currently, 71% of illegal aliens with children
receive welfare. Under this policy, we will save billions, as we will
not have to pay for education, health care, housing and other social needs of millions of children of impoverished illegal aliens.
What do you think?
Ignorance is NOT sublime.
Democracy, like love, can survive almost any attack - except neglect and indifference.
“It is our ignorance of things that causes all our admiration and chiefly excites our passions.”
― Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful
― Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful
The Unconstitutional “Anchor Baby” Delusion

With the 2016 election heating up, many Americans are finding the opportunity to express anger over the nation’s illegal immigration problems.
In addition to allegations of criminals coming across the southern border from Mexico, Trump is now broaching a question long hidden in the recesses of debate: Does the Constitution grant birthright citizenship to all born within the geographic borders of the United States? This question directly ties to immigration, as the babies of illegal immigrants are being granted immediate citizenship, thereby “anchoring” residency and citizenship rights to family members. Hence the term “anchor baby”. The numbers involved run into the millions, affect the nation in many ways, and cannot be overlooked. It’s time to challenge the conventional wisdom of birthright citizenship. Let me explain.
The specific language of the citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment is the start point. Section 1, begins: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States.” Stop at those nine words and birthright citizenship would appear to be the clear intent of the 14th Amendment. However, the clause continues: “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.” It’s important to understand that the drafters of the 14th Amendment crafted the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to protect the rights of slaves/former slaves against any state or local jurisdiction, particularly from the old Confederacy.
The 13th Amendment ended slavery, the 14th Amendment ensured due process and equal protection for former slaves, and the 15th Amendment guaranteed former slaves the right to vote (against state and local government). Interestingly, Section 4 of the 14th Amendment specifically references slavery in that Congress would not be responsible for the debt for freed slaves. The intent was to protect the rights of former slaves, but did not apply to the children of aliens to the United States.
The history of birthright citizenship provides perspective. The ancient and unjust feudal common law doctrine of birth citizenship or “Jus Soli” has a checkered past and is rightly on the ash heap of history. Jus Soli is accepted almost nowhere in the “modern” Western world due to the primitive and inhumane roots of the concept in medieval Europe. Going back the age of “divine right of Kings,” Jus Soli granted the monarch the greatest number of “subjects” within his realm. Babies, who happened to have been born in the king’s realm, were the legally required to “serve” the king as his subject for life, and could not leave the realm without the monarch’s license.
“Subject to the jurisdiction thereof” was purposely inserted by Congress to prevent Jus Soli in America. Acclaimed lawyers Howard and Trumbull helped draft the 14th Amendment, and would have been familiar with Jus Soli. In fact, Representative Aaron Sargent from California argued, without dispute during the debates over the Naturalization Act of 1870, that the citizenship clause was not justification for aliens to obtain citizenship at birth. It’s ironic that the same Liberals who oppose Western practices not in keeping with the norms of the modern Western world, like the death penalty, demand the United States recognize Jus Soli for babies of illegal immigrants.
It’s time for Americans to call this out for what it is: unconstitutional.
Mark Levin, a Constitutional lawyer, president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, and former senior member of the Reagan administration has written convincingly on the subject: “If it [the 14th Amendment] means what the proponents of birthright citizenship say, it would stop right there. ‘All persons born or naturalized in the United States’ are citizens. There’s no need for anything else, but that’s what it says. Then it says, and, ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof.’… Jurisdiction has nothing to do with geography. Zero. It had to do with political allegiance to the United States of America. How do we know it? Because they (those drafting the 14th Amendment) said it … Now here’s the good news, there’s another part of the Constitution. It’s Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4. Here’s what that says, in plain English; ‘The Congress shall have power to … establish a uniform rule of naturalization.’ … that means Congress, not the courts, not the president, not ICE, it means the United States Congress has the power to regulate immigration in this regard.”
The Congressional and historic record make clear that the legal concept of birthright citizenship, used by countless aliens to gain U.S. citizenship through anchor babies, is both wrong and unconstitutional.
The American people demand, through spokesmen like Donald Trump, that we cannot continue to ignore the importance of legitimate citizenship. It is time for Congress to follow the will of the people and the Constitutional duties under Article 1, Section 8 and Section 5 of the 14th Amendment. Citizenship in the United States is something special bequeathed to us by those who followed the law. It’s about time we started following the law, and the truth of the Constitution.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Great wisdom is not evident on a daily basis. Milton Friedman stands out as one of the most rational thinkers of our times. You can learn about him on the internet if you are interested. What I will do is post some of his observations and you can judge for your self. Profundity and humor was his forte when expressing himself wryly - but economics, his subject matter, was no laughing matter and should not be taken lightly. Sagacity is the term most applicable to his persona.
- "We economists don't know much, but we do know how to create a shortage. If you want to create a shortage of tomatoes, for example, just pass a law that retailers can't sell tomatoes for more than two cents a pound. Instantly you'll have a tomato shortage. It's the same with oil and gas."
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Can We Still Grow Decent Americans?
Published with permission.
By Phil Erwin
I was wrist-deep in soggy soil at dusk, planting some late-season vegetables in my back yard, when I heard those dread sounds: The momentum-halting CRUNNNCHHH!!! of automotive metal on metal, followed by the hail of safety glass on pavement.
I peeked over the wall and saw neighbors gathering, though my view of the accident was blocked by shrubbery. Since there were already enough hands to render assistance, I returned to my muddy task.
For a couple of minutes. Until it dawned on me that the blaring car alarm sounded mighty familiar. Like something I might have heard before. From my own car.
Set down the tools. Rinsed off the hands. Walked the long way ‘round the outside of the house, ‘cause the shoes were muddy too. And discovered (of course!) that it was my venerable Pathfinder bleating out that insistent lament. It had been rudely ploughed into whilst serenely parked in front of my house, and launched into the car parked ahead of it. Useful life terminated up on the sidewalk, an inglorious end to a fine piece of machinery.
Most of us who own vehicles discover, sooner or later, what a hassle it can be when they sustain collision damage.
Even when you’re completely blameless, car collisions can mean serious hassle.
Now, this one happened right in the middle of the neighborhood where I’ve lived the last few years, much of it spent inside caring for elderly parents. And this is the Electronics Age, when we all have so many umbilicals tethering us to the Information Ether, we don’t spend much time getting to know our neighbors. And I hadn’t.
But before the tow trucks had even hauled my crunched-up carriage away, I had already received the offer of a car to borrow, from a neighbor I barely knew. Next morning, I was out sweeping up glass that the tow truck guys had missed when a new neighbor from across the street – with whom I had never spoken – walked up and handed me the key to her Volvo. “We’re not really using it,” she said.
Just stop for a moment, take a sip of whatever it is you’re sipping, and really think about that.
A woman whom I’d never met handed me the key to a many-thousand-dollar asset, having no clue what kind of driver I am, and told me to keep the car as long as I needed it. “Because I know what a hassle it is when you don’t have a car,” said she.
Just think about that.
I had occasion to introduce myself to a new neighbor because she had handed me her car keys!
And that, people, is the America that I grew up in.
The one where everybody looked out for everybody else. The one where, if you had a problem, you knew there was always someone around who would help you. No question or hesitation. No charge. No quid pro quo. No contracts, no Damn Lawyers. Just “What can I do to help?”
Doesn’t sound much like Ferguson, Missouri, does it? Not like Los Angeles, either, though I was raised on LA’s doorstep. Certainly not like New York; or Seattle, or San Francisco, or any of the big cities that dominate the American political conversation.
Anybody know where that old-time America went to?
Well… It’s actually still around. (Just look at Charleston, in South Carolina, where an entire city came together to peacefully mourn the loss of nine good citizens, gunned down for no reason other than a psychotic hatred for dark skin color.)
But that America has gone underground, driven to the shadows by the Era of Big Government; by Racial Grievance Politics; by Political “Correctness” run amok.
In other words: By Progressives.
Progressives say they want to make America fair, with equal opportunities for all. But their underlying strategy is to use Government to “correct” the “injustices” in America, to re-make America according to their rules. And they want Government to make sure you live by their “better” rules.
And if you don’t like their rules… Tough. What they say – through Government – goes.
America has never been perfect; but it has, ever since its inception, been the very best nation that the Human Universe has ever seen – based entirely on the notion that it is the people who matter, who are important, and who are in charge – not the Government.
If your country’s most fundamental philosophical underpinning is that individual people are the coin of the realm, how can people not learn to take their neighbors seriously? How can they not recognize the inherent, unspoken mandate of a Helping Hand?
But when Government sets the values, makes the rules and punishes “unbelievers,” whose value system wins out – The People’s, or the ruling political class?
“Progressive,” indeed. Sounds a whole lot like every failed nation the world has ever known.
And that is the future the Progressives are drawing us all into: A failed experiment in Freedom.
Is there time to halt our demise? Is it too late to stop our Death Spiral? Is there still time to pull us back from the brink of national oblivion, and re-assert those values that held us away from the garbage heap of Human civilizations?
I don’t know about time enough; but I do know it won’t be time that saves us.
It will be neighbors like mine.
Becky, I don’t know your religion, your politics, your life’s history or your philosophy; but I do know this about you: You are a beautiful American.
Let’s hope we haven’t forgotten how to grow people like you.
Phil Erwin is an author, IT administrator and registered Independent living in Newbury Park. He sometimes wishes he could support Democrat ideals, but he has a visceral hatred for Lies and Damn Lies, and is none too fond of Statistics.
By Phil Erwin
I was wrist-deep in soggy soil at dusk, planting some late-season vegetables in my back yard, when I heard those dread sounds: The momentum-halting CRUNNNCHHH!!! of automotive metal on metal, followed by the hail of safety glass on pavement.
I peeked over the wall and saw neighbors gathering, though my view of the accident was blocked by shrubbery. Since there were already enough hands to render assistance, I returned to my muddy task.
For a couple of minutes. Until it dawned on me that the blaring car alarm sounded mighty familiar. Like something I might have heard before. From my own car.
Set down the tools. Rinsed off the hands. Walked the long way ‘round the outside of the house, ‘cause the shoes were muddy too. And discovered (of course!) that it was my venerable Pathfinder bleating out that insistent lament. It had been rudely ploughed into whilst serenely parked in front of my house, and launched into the car parked ahead of it. Useful life terminated up on the sidewalk, an inglorious end to a fine piece of machinery.
Most of us who own vehicles discover, sooner or later, what a hassle it can be when they sustain collision damage.
Even when you’re completely blameless, car collisions can mean serious hassle.
Now, this one happened right in the middle of the neighborhood where I’ve lived the last few years, much of it spent inside caring for elderly parents. And this is the Electronics Age, when we all have so many umbilicals tethering us to the Information Ether, we don’t spend much time getting to know our neighbors. And I hadn’t.
But before the tow trucks had even hauled my crunched-up carriage away, I had already received the offer of a car to borrow, from a neighbor I barely knew. Next morning, I was out sweeping up glass that the tow truck guys had missed when a new neighbor from across the street – with whom I had never spoken – walked up and handed me the key to her Volvo. “We’re not really using it,” she said.
Just stop for a moment, take a sip of whatever it is you’re sipping, and really think about that.
A woman whom I’d never met handed me the key to a many-thousand-dollar asset, having no clue what kind of driver I am, and told me to keep the car as long as I needed it. “Because I know what a hassle it is when you don’t have a car,” said she.
Just think about that.
I had occasion to introduce myself to a new neighbor because she had handed me her car keys!
And that, people, is the America that I grew up in.
The one where everybody looked out for everybody else. The one where, if you had a problem, you knew there was always someone around who would help you. No question or hesitation. No charge. No quid pro quo. No contracts, no Damn Lawyers. Just “What can I do to help?”
Doesn’t sound much like Ferguson, Missouri, does it? Not like Los Angeles, either, though I was raised on LA’s doorstep. Certainly not like New York; or Seattle, or San Francisco, or any of the big cities that dominate the American political conversation.
Anybody know where that old-time America went to?
Well… It’s actually still around. (Just look at Charleston, in South Carolina, where an entire city came together to peacefully mourn the loss of nine good citizens, gunned down for no reason other than a psychotic hatred for dark skin color.)
But that America has gone underground, driven to the shadows by the Era of Big Government; by Racial Grievance Politics; by Political “Correctness” run amok.
In other words: By Progressives.
Progressives say they want to make America fair, with equal opportunities for all. But their underlying strategy is to use Government to “correct” the “injustices” in America, to re-make America according to their rules. And they want Government to make sure you live by their “better” rules.
And if you don’t like their rules… Tough. What they say – through Government – goes.
America has never been perfect; but it has, ever since its inception, been the very best nation that the Human Universe has ever seen – based entirely on the notion that it is the people who matter, who are important, and who are in charge – not the Government.
If your country’s most fundamental philosophical underpinning is that individual people are the coin of the realm, how can people not learn to take their neighbors seriously? How can they not recognize the inherent, unspoken mandate of a Helping Hand?
But when Government sets the values, makes the rules and punishes “unbelievers,” whose value system wins out – The People’s, or the ruling political class?
“Progressive,” indeed. Sounds a whole lot like every failed nation the world has ever known.
And that is the future the Progressives are drawing us all into: A failed experiment in Freedom.
Is there time to halt our demise? Is it too late to stop our Death Spiral? Is there still time to pull us back from the brink of national oblivion, and re-assert those values that held us away from the garbage heap of Human civilizations?
I don’t know about time enough; but I do know it won’t be time that saves us.
It will be neighbors like mine.
Becky, I don’t know your religion, your politics, your life’s history or your philosophy; but I do know this about you: You are a beautiful American.
Let’s hope we haven’t forgotten how to grow people like you.
Phil Erwin is an author, IT administrator and registered Independent living in Newbury Park. He sometimes wishes he could support Democrat ideals, but he has a visceral hatred for Lies and Damn Lies, and is none too fond of Statistics.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Life in the Fast Lane?
While it might be too depressing to spend much of our time looking at daily records of the behavior of certain elements of our society; a review once in a while might prove educational and thought-provoking. Here is a different kind of "reality show." It's real!
OnScene TV is a team of highly trained professional photojournalists that shoot and deliver compelling, breaking news video stories in Southern California. We provide content to local and national television stations every day. In action since the late 90′s, OnScene TV shoots and delivers more breaking news video stories in Southern California than all other independent news services combined. From our state of the art dispatch center, to our custom designed news gathering vehicles, OnScene.TV covers the streets of Southern California to bring the dramatic images and sounds of each day’s breaking news events to you.
OnScene TV is a team of highly trained professional photojournalists that shoot and deliver compelling, breaking news video stories in Southern California. We provide content to local and national television stations every day. In action since the late 90′s, OnScene TV shoots and delivers more breaking news video stories in Southern California than all other independent news services combined. From our state of the art dispatch center, to our custom designed news gathering vehicles, OnScene.TV covers the streets of Southern California to bring the dramatic images and sounds of each day’s breaking news events to you.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
I've been looking for it for a few days now and am coming to the conclusion that it's hiding in plain sight. Hot and humid isn't my thing. At my age I've become very comfortable at 70-72F. I guess it's around here somewhere and I'll find it soon. Will.
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